Monday 6 October 2014

Walk on Wednesdays

We were visited today by David Graham from 'Living Streets', along with the mascot 'Strider', to launch an initiative to get more children and families walking to school. The children should be aware of the five main reasons why walking to school is a good idea and you could test them! For a reminder, click on the presentation further down the page.

The presentation also gives more information about the project, which involves children earning badges each month for walking on a given number of days. This month, we will focus on 'Walking Wednesdays', when we would ask that you make a special effort to walk to school.

If walking all of the way to school is impractical, we'd ask that you try 'Ride and Stride': drive part of the way and walk the rest, avoiding parking on Sheeplands Avenue.

Let's see which classes get the most walkers and who can be proudly wearing their badges at the end of each month!

Could we also remind parents not to park opposite the school at any time and never across the drive of anybody, including our neighbours. In addition, please ensure that children aren't arriving at school too early; our gates open at 8.40 and yet there are some children waiting around from before 8.30!

Whilst we are glad that people want to be prompt and not late, we'd ask that you aim not to arrive before twenty to 9. Thankyou.