Friday 24 October 2014

Headteacher's Awards

Many congratulations to our wonderful children who have been picked out by staff for special recognition at the end of the first half term. Headteacher's Awards are given out at the end of each half term and the recipients have all made a great impression on their teachers.

Some of the qualities that have been demonstrated by our gallery of super stars are:
  • being organised and independent;
  • always helping others and doing the right thing; 
  • being polite, considerate and supportive to others;
  • working hard to improve and get better;
  • being cheerful; putting a smile on the faces of classmates;
  • having a positive and enthusiastic approach;
  • contributing in class; producing great work.
Whilst we can't do all of those things all of the time, these children have set out the expectation for others. Very well done to them all!