Wednesday 3 September 2014

Our objectives for the teaching of Writing

Writing will be one of our key areas for development this year; increasing the proportion of excellent writers and enabling all children to improve their writing standards. We want children to enjoy writing, see themselves as writers and understand the wide range of purposes for being able to communicate well in a written form.

To support us in doing this, and to reflect the revised National Curriculum, we have revised our previous plans to produce a clear, systematic approach. As you will see from the linked document (click to open), the aim is to focus on key areas and teach them in depth. 

As well as in Literacy lessons, we will be ensuring that there are many opportunities for children to practise and be creative with their writing in a range of subjects and cross-curricular topics.
We will also be providing a range of opportunities to practise skills in Home-Learning activities when parents can support their children. This document may be helpful in guiding your expectations, alongside personalised information from teachers.